Each deck created by the Design for Decks Team is unique. The narrative, deck objectives, personality, and other factors greatly influence the design. If you would like to see portfolio work, please contact us, and we’d be happy to show you some decks we’ve worked on (and whose owners have given us permission to share).
We understand and respect your privacy and will not share any decks or proprietary information without explicit permission. We are happy to sign an NDA as well.
From the moment we complete our first design pass, all the way until we transfer ownership over to you, you have full transparency of everything going on inside your deck, via a password-protected Figma collaborative workspace.
Nope! After we are done with your deck, we transfer ownership over to you, giving you access to the slides in Figma as well as a .ppt file (for use with Keynote, Google Slides, and Microsoft Powerpoint) so that you and your design team can update as needed.
We don’t believe in design templates. Your deck’s design and detail enhances the narrative, and for that reason we need your content to be completed before we begin. We believe that a content-first process is essential to building a professional, winning pitch deck. If your content is near-complete and you would like our assistance in getting it across the finish line, one of our copywriting experts can help (as an add-on) before we begin the design process.
Each pitch deck takes about two weeks to complete. This includes moving your deck over to Figma, design work and two rounds of in-depth feedback and edits. This assumes 1-day business turnarounds on client feedback.